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Salvo 'superhero' a mufti-day marvel

Salvo 'superhero' a mufti-day marvel

Salvo 'superhero' a mufti-day marvel

11 August 2020

Isaac, 10, (standing with his little brother) went to a school mufti day dressed as a Salvation Army volunteer.

By Lauren Martin

Ten-year-old Isaac will tell you that Salvos are superheroes. That’s because three years ago, he says, the Salvos saved his mum’s life.

When his primary school recently held a ‘Dress up as your idol’ mufti day, he asked his mum (Von) if he could go as a Salvation Army worker, just like her. So, she adjusted her Salvation Army volunteer t-shirt to fit, gave him her Salvos cap, and he proudly wore the outfit all day.

“He loves what I do now,” says Von, who volunteers with Sydney Congress Hall street outreach team and assists with the community meal.

Just three years ago, the family’s life was chaotic. Von was struggling with an addiction to ICE and was in an unhealthy relationship. In what she would now describe as “God opening a door”, she was given the opportunity to journey to recovery at The Salvation Army William Booth House in Sydney. Her supportive family took care of her three children and she spent seven months at William Booth House, saying “it completely turned my life around.”

Upon graduation, she undertook a Diploma of Community Services and has continued to be a faithful volunteer at Sydney Congress Hall in its outreach ministries to vulnerable people in the inner-city. She has taken her two eldest children, Isaac and his older brother Denzel, with her to experience what it’s like to “love God and love others”.

Von knows it wasn’t the Salvos that saved her life, but God. She’s passionate about “giving back” to the organisation that assisted her in her time of need. And she’s proud of her son, who’s taking after his mother in his excitement to serve others.


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