Sharing essential stories through art
Sharing essential stories through art
9 November 2020
Janet Dreamer with her three works, all of which sold on the night. Photo courtesy of the Katherine Times.
Encouraging creativity and the sharing of stories around country, community and culture is the focus of a dedicated creative art space at The Salvation Army Doorways Hub in Katherine, 270km south of Darwin.
The hub* itself is located on the traditional lands of the Jawoyn, Wardaman and Dagoman people. The art program provides studio space, canvases and paints, giving anyone interested the opportunity to paint and to share stories.
Peter Daniels with one of his displayed works, inspired by bush and country. Photo courtesy of the Katherine Times.
Earlier this year, a group of artists who use the art space had the opportunity to exhibit their work at Godinymayin Yijard Rivers Arts and Culture Centre in Katherine East.
Peter Daniels contributed two pieces to the exhibition, including a large piece of a skeleton snake and goanna.
Peter, whose language group is Warlpiri, was born in Yuendumu. His painting style has been passed down from his father. “When I paint, I don't really plan too much, I just begin and let the image come together in my head,” he said. “Going down to the hub to paint is a chance for me to have what I need to do my art.”
Fellow artist Janet Dreamer said she has been painting since she was in her teens, but it is only through access to supplies the hub offers that she has been able to start again. Her parents were Jaru people, and Janet learned to paint watching her father and other family members.
Her subject matter includes stories, country and culture that she learnt from her elders. Her ideas come from the time she spends in the bush. “I love to paint birds and kangaroos, anything from the bush, and especially if it's good tucker,” she said.
Godinymayin curator and retail manager Brendan Penzer said of the exhibition: “Art from the hub artists have connections to country and family in the greater Big Rivers and Central Desert regions, and their art styles reflect this.
“Through art-making processes, the artists share knowledge about subjects such as dreaming and creation stories, bush tucker, country and landscape, plants and animals.”
Dean Jones, senior case manager at the hub, said the art exhibition was designed to encourage artists emotionally, economically and to help them realise the worth and the quality of their art. “I actually cried when I first walked in and saw the art on the wall,” he said. “It was beautiful, and I knew the artists would be so proud.”
* The Salvos Doorways Hub daily welcomes between 50 and 100 people. They come to access the art space, showers, washing machines and dryers, meals, and drop-in community space. There is also an opportunity for people to connect with a range of local agencies such as legal and medical services, financial counselling and crisis support.
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