Sharing experiences on gender equity

Sharing experiences on gender equity
16 November 2020
Major Christine Faragher is researching gender equity in The Salvation Army in Australia.
Major Christine Faragher is inviting all Australian Salvation Army women officers, both active and retired, to have their say in a research project exploring their experiences in relation to gender equity and officership.
The research project aims to gather individual women officer’s stories to contribute to the creation of an overall picture of the Australian experience.
“The broader the range of the age, experience and contexts of the women who participate the more comprehensive the picture will be,” Christine said.
She wants to ask female officers, ‘“What are the joys and sorrows that come to mind when you reflect upon your experience of ministry and service as a woman officer in The Salvation Army?”
Participants will be asked to provide a written response to the question, which will be anonymised and collated as part of the research project.
The project is part of a larger study she is undertaking through the University of Divinity.
“The study addresses the question of gender equity in The Salvation Army in Australia by examining Catherine Booth and her legacy, providing an analysis of the Australian women-officer experience, and moving towards a more contemporary theology of equality in leadership,” she said.
Major Faragher, who has been a Salvation Army officer for 38 years, has always had a passion for gender equity. She has observed first-hand the quality contribution of many women officers, whose gifts and abilities have not always been fully utilised.
“Despite the increases we have seen in recent times in the number of women officers in leadership positions,” she said, “we still have a way to go to enact full equality for women officers in the territory.”
Women officers interested in participating in the project should email Christine to register their interest: They will be sent further information, including a consent form and a brief questionnaire.
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