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Others launches quarterly printed publication

Others launches quarterly printed publicationSubscribers to the former Others monthly magazine will now receive the new Others quarterly newsletter.

Others launches quarterly printed publication

8 December 2020

By Lauren Martin

The Australia Territory’s newest printed publication, the Others newsletter, will be hitting mailboxes from this week.

The 16-page quarterly newsletter replaces the 48-page monthly Others magazine, which ceased printing in September 2020 as part of a territorial review that focused on better stewardship.

“Anyone who was a recipient of the Others monthly magazine will be receiving this new quarterly newsletter in hard copy in their mailboxes free of charge for eight editions,” said Lieut-Colonel Neil Venables, National Secretary for Communications and Others newsletter Editor-in-Chief.

“We will also be launching a monthly e-newsletter that we encourage all Salvos across Australia to sign up to receive as an email in order to keep up to date with Salvation Army news, events, announcements and inspirational stories of life transformation." To sign up for the e-newsletter, click HERE

“The purpose of Others is to ‘connect Salvos in mission’,” said Neil. “We’re encouraging Salvos to spread the word about our news website,, and our Others_AU Facebook and Instagram page.

“Maintaining a connection with Others in these ways helps us, as Salvationists, to feel part of the Holy Spirit’s work amongst our Army at the divisional, national and international level. Others is a source of great encouragement and inspiration.”

To sign up to the Others e-newsletter, head to

To read the December edition of the Others quarterly newsletter, head to




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