Youth share a slice of life over pizza

Youth share a slice of life over pizza
19 December 2020
Lincoln Proellocks, Youth and Young Adults Secretary for Victoria, live-crosses from Wyndham Salvos in Victoria to NBC (North Brisbane Corps) for Australia’s Biggest Online Pizza Party for Carnival Youth Online.
In a year when social distancing was the norm, youth group shenanigans seemed to be a thing of the past – until Carnival Youth Online found a way to hold a virtual pizza party, that is.
The last Carnival Youth Online for 2020 was an online pizza party and saw 1200 young Salvos show up for pizza – and an even greater purpose.
To celebrate Australia’s Biggest Online Pizza Party – a noteworthy event if we’ve ever heard one – the millennials in our ranks united with the help of the National Youth and Young Adults Team for an end-of-year blowout.
Hosted from North Brisbane Salvos, the stream was complete with music from the Carnival Live band. And the only prerequisite for entry? A slice of pizza.
More than 1200 young Salvos, representing 57 different youth ministries from across the country, registered for the digital pizza party. Some gathered in small groups to meet state restrictions, and other ministries met outdoors or in their hall to celebrate together.
Live crosses soon became a competition to see who could consume the most pizzas – and impressive results were given from Davis Bode, of Morley Corps (WA), who ordered 28 pizzas. And across the country at Shoalhaven Corps (NSW), nine large pizzas were devoured ... by nine people!
But with full bellies, there was also the opportunity for something deeper – and youth opened up about how they have held on to hope in 2020.
“I think it’s important we trust Jesus and trust he’s got a plan for us,” said Eliza from North Brisbane Salvos (Qld).
Down south, Taby from Bairnsdale Salvos (Vic.) shared, “I hold on to my hope knowing that you must be vulnerable to grow, even [through] tough times.”
How’s that for a pizza party with a purpose? It was a great way to top off a year of live streaming for the Youth and Young Adults team, which has seen young people from metropolitan and rural communities across the country come together to watch ‘Carnival Youth Online’.
Now, how about we celebrate with ... a slice of pizza?
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