Full-time ministry opportunities for Salvos across Australia

Full-time ministry opportunities for Salvos across Australia
16 February 2021
The Salvation Army has positions available in a variety of sectors including rural chaplaincy, youth and young adults and Doorways services.
The Salvation Army is urging Salvationists with a calling to full-time mission and ministry to consider and pray about a range of opportunities available across Australia.
Ministry positions are available for Salvationists to become auxiliary-lieutenants, serving God with The Salvation Army for what initially would be a three-year period.
Northern Territory
Northern Territory Area Officer Erica Jones says if you’ve got a sense of adventure, positions in the Top End might be calling you! Two positions are available – one at Darwin Corps and one at Palmerston Corps.
“We can accept two ‘single’ people but it’s also suitable for a couple,” she said. Both roles are community-facing and involve working with Darwin’s diverse community.
“The successful candidates need to not be afraid to get their hands dirty; building relationships is a key component to serving in the NT.” She said a key calling on people looking to work in the Top End are people “who find themselves drawn to working with and alongside our First Nations people and who would find this experience very rewarding.”
Erica added, “Someone who considers themselves to be a visionary would definitely have the space to conceptualise and strategise about future ministry potential. Due to the remote nature of NT, people who like a challenge would excel in this environment.”
There are two corps-based ministry positions for people called to be auxiliary-lieutenants in Victoria. One of them is based at Sale, in the Gippsland region, which is described as having “huge potential”.
South-East Victoria Area Officer Gary Grant says, “Sale is a smaller corps with a big heart, and a great desire to reach the local community. A very strong thrift shop supports the corps, and an active Doorways centre is co-located onsite.”
The other opportunity is based at Morwell, in the Latrobe Valley. The corps has a long history of Salvation Army ministry and is co-located with the Latrobe Doorways service in a new building, purpose-built for a strong outreach ministry.
New South Wales
If you like caravanning and have a heart for sharing Jesus, then God may be calling you to rural chaplaincy in Far West NSW. The role is for a single or married couple to be based out of Broken Hill and be the face of The Salvation Army to community members who work or live on stations and properties in the area.
“A rural chaplain needs to drive a manual, like caravanning, be part of the rural chaplain’s team, willing to work with other stakeholders, show initiative, be a self-starter and motivated to do the role well,” says the role description.
Youth and Young Adults
Auxiliary-lieutenant roles within the Territorial Youth and Young Adults team are also available in divisions including Queensland, South Australia/Northern Territory and Victoria. Those applying would need relevant qualifications or extensive experience in youth and young adult ministries.
“Our team is all about increasing the leadership capacity we have across our movement,” says Territorial Youth and Young Adults Secretary Adam Purcell, who is himself an auxiliary-lieutenant. “We do this in the context of youth ministry, but also believe that we can help release young people into leadership in every sphere of life.”
He says becoming an auxiliary-lieutenant enabled he and wife Melissa to take up God’s call to full-time ministry, which had been on their hearts for many years.
“In 2018, we felt the call to invest more and knew that meant leaving our jobs! Through conversations with our divisional commander, she was confident that we could find a pathway for entering officership that matched with the sense of calling we were feeling from God. This began our discussions and the process of becoming auxiliary-lieutenants.
“For us, having been tent-makers for so many years, we feel so blessed to be able to continue to serve in an unencumbered way. We have the blessing of a quarters provided, a car and all the other resources we need to solely focus on serving God. For us, this was our pathway into officership.”
To find out more about these opportunities, or to apply, head to: salvationarmy.org.au/comealive/opportunities
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