Movie packs reel in vital conversations

Movie packs reel in vital conversations
9 March 2021
Movie packs with purpose were a hit with South East Tasmania Corps families during COVID-19 lockdowns, and the ministry is continuing.
Movie nights have been a staple for years at South East Tasmania Salvos [formerly Carlton Corps]. The monthly events bring the community together for some family-friendly fun and conversations around key issues.
So, when COVID shut down public gatherings last year, Lieutenants Craig Boyd and Jess Ffrost-Boyd knew the movie magic had to continue.
Rather than recreating a video rental service, the pair packaged 24 movies with purpose, enclosing sweet treats, popcorn and their ‘Kids Konversation’ cards, each addressing themes in the specific movie, such as self-worth or friendship.
They made families aware that these could be borrowed from the corps. The results have transcended the pandemic, reaching over 50 people weekly between April and November 2020, and being replicated by other mission expressions.
“The intention is to help parents have basic conversations about things like body image, so when it comes to topics like drugs and sex, they feel empowered to have that conversation,” said Craig. “The movie packs have been a way of building healthy communities”.
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