It's a question of social justice
It's a question of social justice
24 August 2021
When you think about your community, what are the biggest social justice issues you see? Is it housing affordability or social isolation? Is it family violence, disability discrimination or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage?
The Salvation Army Australia’s first online social justice stocktake allows you to provide your insights and local knowledge to its policy, advocacy and research teams.
Your responses will be used to advocate local, state, and federal governments about the social justice issues that you’re seeing.
Jennifer Kirkaldy, The Salvation Army Australia’s General Manager – Policy and Advocacy, explains how two minutes of your time can help make a lasting difference in your community.
What is the purpose of the social justice stocktake?
We believe that the people who live in the community are best placed to know what’s going on around them, so our idea is to get ‘on the ground’ information about what social justice issues people are seeing and experiencing.
For instance, in areas still recovering from bushfires, we might see housing affordability and climate change as major social justice issues. With current lockdowns, it might be that mental health and family violence are the social justice issues people are seeing.
How do people take part in the social justice stocktake?
People can share their insights by doing our short online survey (link provided at the end of the article). This involves identifying up to five social justice issues from a list and an optional section to write any solutions they might like to suggest. Participants are asked to provide their postcodes, age-range and gender – and, of course, all information is kept entirely confidential and private.
It would be great if participants would then share the survey with friends and family to get as broad a reach as possible. The more responses we receive, the more robust the final research.
How will this stocktake help the policy and advocacy and research teams?
Once we receive the stocktake results, we will consider them alongside other sources of information, including demand for our services and national data around disadvantage. This will allow us to paint a comprehensive picture of social justice in Australia.
With this picture, we will be better able to tailor the resources we produce and bolster our social policy and advocacy work with local and personal insights. Most politicians care deeply about what is happening in their local communities, and this stocktake will help personalise social justice advocacy based on what people are seeing.
Will the results of the survey be made available?
We will produce a series of reports talking about the results and what we see can be done about the social justice issues identified. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask for a report to be sent to them once the survey results have been analysed.
Participate in the survey here
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