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Salvation Army supports Voice to Parliament

Salvation Army supports Voice to ParliamentAustralia can benefit from our Parliament having access to the advice, wisdom and lived experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across our country.

Salvation Army supports Voice to Parliament

3 August 2022

The Salvation Army welcomes the further detail provided by the Prime Minister about the wording and pathway to establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

This is a critical nation-building initiative, and The Salvation Army commends the government for its commitment to giving the Australian people the opportunity to have their say.

The Salvation Army sees first-hand the social injustices experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia across the breadth of its services. An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament will provide an opportunity to correct existing structural issues and ensure that future legislation does not create or perpetuate disadvantage and injustice.

Australia can benefit from our Parliament having access to the advice, wisdom and lived experience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across our country The Salvation Army has accepted the gracious invitation contained in the Uluru Statement from the Heart, and we want to be part of delivering on the promise contained within it. A constitutionally protected Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament is an important first step.

The Salvation Army remains committed to serving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout our network of more than 2000 services across the country.


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