60 Second Verdict: Ant-Man and The Wasp

60 Second Verdict: Ant-Man and The Wasp
14 July 2018
Paul Rudd reprises his role as Ant-Man in this latest Marvel Sequel.
Scott Lang (alias ‘Ant-Man') has spent three years under house arrest due to his involvement with the Avengers ‘Civil War’. Now, on the eve of his release, he’s drawn back into relationship with his mentor Dr Hank Pym and her daughter Hope, now in possession of her own shrinking suit as ‘The Wasp’. Together they will attempt a daring rescue mission to the sub-atomic realm to rescue the doctor’s lost wife.
This feature is bound to please any fan of the Marvel Universe, but more so families, who’ll be happy to see something that affirms parental roles and responsibilities, as well as a strong father-daughter relationship.
Ant Man is the family friendly superhero, and all the comedy combined with edge of the seat action that characterised the first film in this franchise is happily reproduced.
‘Ghost’, the villain, is a bit weak. She’s not so much ‘bad’ as in a bad place, and acting out accordingly. This tends to undercut the film’s moral message, making morality a matter of circumstance.
The best lesson in the film comes from another villain. A scientist tells Ghost he won’t help her - even to save her life - if it means hurting Ant Man’s daughter. In doing so he draws a line, ensuring the audience understands that just because we can achieve a good result, it doesn’t mean we can use any means to get there. This is very much on message with the Bible, which tells us that, “… people look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” Motivations can shrink even the best deed to nothing at all.
Watch another 60 Second Verdict.
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