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60 Second Verdict: Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse

60 Second Verdict: Spider-Man: Into The SpiderverseInto the Spiderverse is a worthy innovation to the collection of Spider-Man films.

60 Second Verdict: Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse

29 December 2018

By Ben McEachen

Peter Parker is no longer New York’s friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, and Afro-American teen Miles Morales finds himself thrust into the role without warning. His first crisis is a real baptism of fire - arch-villain Kingpin has developed a machine that is forcing numerous alternate realities to collide. The upside, though, is that Miles now has five other ‘alternate’ Spider-Men to help avert disaster.


The plot is fresh, the new Spider-Man heroes are interesting, the push into other ethnicities is worthy of respect, and the animation is drop-dead gorgeous.


It’s hard to say - this would be my ‘film of the year'.


We’re all familiar with Spiderman’s ethos: ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. But Into the Spiderverse uses its in-built variety to teach that it doesn’t matter how you look (anyone can pull on the mask), it’s what you do that decides whether you’re truly heroic. Very much like the Bible’s reminder, “It’s by their fruits you will know them,” – not what you wear, or how you look, or even what you say, but what you do – that’s what God says makes a truly heroic heart.


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