Book Review: 2021 Year Book of The Salvation Army

Book Review: 2021 Year Book of The Salvation Army
6 April 2021
The 2021 Year Book details how COVID-19 has affected The Salvation Amry on a global scale. Pictured here, Major Marie Hollett (right), director of the spiritual and religious care program at the Toronto Grace Health Centre in Canada, supports the patients, their families and fellow staff members during the uncertain days of the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo: Karol Kisielewski, IHQ.
The 2021 Year Book of The Salvation Army is a fantastic source of worldwide Salvation Army information with an effective design that helps you quickly find what is needed.
Key statistics from all territories, regions and commands as well as enlightening and challenging articles, key news from the period covered (May 2019 – April 2020) and administrative leadership personnel details are just some of what is contained.
Along with COVID-19 being strongly featured – including glimpses of TSA response – significant Salvation Army historical events and maps revealing where The Salvation Army is at work are a highlight.
Anyone with an interest in The Salvation Army will find this an extremely helpful publication. Having this available in every mission expression will grow understanding about how God is using the international Army to bring hope to the world.
A feature not included that could assist with finding the latest Salvation Army information would be to place QR codes within each territory’s pages taking us to their websites.
The 2021 Year Book of The Salvation Army is available at Sydney Salvationist Supplies (1800 634 209) or, and Melbourne Salvation Army Supplies (1800 100 018) or
The e-book version is available on Kindle (Click here) and Kobo (Click here) apps and devices.
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