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Book Review: Are you getting this? By Robert Fergusson

Book Review: Are you getting this? By Robert Fergusson

Book Review: Are you getting this? By Robert Fergusson

31 October 2020

Robert Fergusson believes storytelling is an inherent part of preaching and gives readers a structure to embrace this in his new book.

Reviewed by Doug Davis

Robert Fergusson was a teacher of biology but took up preaching after becoming a Christian. In his book, Are you getting this?, the Teaching Pastor from Hillsong Church has created a go-to resource for preachers of all stages in ministry.

Are you getting this? gives us 16 Bible-based sermons and many good tips about how to prepare your own Sunday messages. Fergusson structures his sermons with this acrostic S.T.O.R.Y.

“A story is an instantly recognised vehicle through which we pass on wisdom,” he explains. But fiction is not his objective – communicating biblical truth in contemporary thought forms is his purpose, which explains the question mark in the book’s title.

Each sermon starts with a Story, that leads to an issue inherent in which is Tension. Then follows Observations aimed at introducing a biblical truth, which is developed as Revelation – the heart of the sermon. Finally, You is the appeal to the listener to accept and act on the message.

This book blessed and inspired me. I highly recommend it to preachers at all stages of their own STORY.

Are you getting this? is available now online and at Koorong.



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