Book Review: Hide This In Your Heart by Michael Frost and Graham Joseph Hill

Book Review: Hide This In Your Heart by Michael Frost and Graham Joseph Hill
17 March 2021
Authors Michael Frost and Graham Joseph Hill encourage people to dive back into memorising scripture through their new book.
This would have been a hard sell in some ways, pitching a book about the need for ‘Memorizing Scripture For Kingdom Impact’, as the subtitle says.
Well, yes, anyone dedicated to pursuing Christ will do well to do so, just as any Monty Python fan worth his (it generally is a ‘his’) salt will prattle away to render a near-word perfect rendition of The Parrot Sketch. Like the Jewish folks with the Torah, or the Muslim peoples with the Koran, etc. Christians have historically memorised large passages of the Bible, as a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.
Perhaps the vast bulk of church members nowadays, if they were honest, would acknowledge biblical illiteracy and/or a paucity of memorised scriptures in their lives. This sets up authors Michael Frost and Graham Joseph Hill with the premise that memorising scripture is a good and helpful thing (something many Christians have done or still do, especially aided by scripture set to music). And they cite inspirational tales and examine the cultural and historic nuances that arise as well as the ways human beings benefit from being able to recall knowledge at will.
They also provide helpful questions and challenges for individuals and groups into the bargain. This is not a novel idea, nor is it untimely. I would encourage people who wish to grow spiritually to use this resource. Hide This In Your Heart is a call for people of faith to treasure the written word, as a means of communing with the living Word.
Hide This In Your Heart is available online and at Koorong.
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