Book review: Identity revealed by Amy Reardon

Book review: Identity revealed by Amy Reardon
16 November 2019
Amy Reardon has written a devotional study that will have timeless relevance.
The major theme of Colossians – the identity of Christ and our identity in him – is of timeless relevance.
In Identity Revealed: A devotional study in Colossians, Major Amy Reardon, a Salvation Army officer based in Seattle, explains with both substance and style what it means to find your worth and purpose in Christ.
The book is peppered with illustrations, most of which translate well to Australian readers. I was challenged by her suggestion that we relinquish the title ‘sinner saved by grace’ in favour of titles that reflect our present identity as God’s children, and who we are becoming in Christ.
This book will appeal to Christians seeking to add further knowledge and understanding to their daily Bible reading.
The thoughtful reflection questions at the end of each chapter will be helpful to small group leaders.
Major Reardon has also written a devotional book in Hebrews, and other titles in this series include the Sermon on the Mount and Philippians.
Identity Revealed is available from Sydney Salvationist Supplies (1800 634 209) or and Melbourne Salvation Army Supplies (1800 100 018) or
A good review which initiated my purchase of the book from Trade Dept and and am planning a group Bible study based around the 30 studies in the book.