Book Review: MetaChurch by Dave Adamson

Book Review: MetaChurch by Dave Adamson
22 October 2022
In MetaChurch, Australian author and pastor Dave Adamson encourages churches to embrace technology and social media as a way to build God’s kingdom.
Dave Adamson was a TV sports reporter in Melbourne when he felt called to Christian ministry. He moved to America about 10 years ago, with his family, to become one of the world’s first ‘online’ pastors. For many years, Dave led, innovated and developed the online ministries of one of the largest churches in the US.
Unsurprisingly, during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dave was run off his feet helping pastors from all over the world transition to online ministry. That experience, combined with his many years of experience in non-pandemic conditions, has led to this brilliant book, MetaChurch. However, not only is MetaChurch chock-full of practical tips and wisdom, but it is also a prophetic call to a church floundering in the post-covid era.
Drawing examples from some of the world’s largest and most successful companies in the world, Dave shows that digital ministry is essential for any church looking to survive in the modern world.
For instance, Dave points out that, with the rise of social media, the front door to all of our churches is in our pockets. The first way someone will engage with our church is most likely to be through social media on their phone. The Salvation Army in Australia has around 300 corps Facebook pages with around 180,000 followers, each a doorway into a local faith community. In addition, 75 faith communities produce regular video content for their online followers.
Those hosting corps social media pages and producing online content will gain a lot of good practical tips from MetaChurch. But its message is perhaps even more relevant for those who are not immersed in the world of online ministry each week. The concepts and ideas in MetaChurch are incredibly important and warrant consideration by anyone in any form of ministry today, from the Junior Soldier Sergeant to the Territorial Commander, if I might be so bold to say.
MetaChurch is available at Christian bookstores.
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