Book Review: Overcoming Loneliness by Ruth Graham and Cindy Lambert

Book Review: Overcoming Loneliness by Ruth Graham and Cindy Lambert
14 January 2023
Prolific author and speaker Ruth Graham pens her 10th book, Transforming Loneliness, sharing her experiences with raw honesty and insight.
Loneliness is an epidemic, and research by Swinburne University tells us that since the beginning of COVID-19, one in every two Australians feels more lonely. This impacts our physical and mental health. And while we see this in young people, we know it transcends age, culture and geographic status. Loneliness is a state of the soul, and believing in God doesn’t necessarily keep us from feelings of isolation.
In Transforming Loneliness, author Ruth Graham speaks from experience about the crippling nature of loneliness. As a child of the late evangelist Dr Billy Graham, she reflects on how her mother coped solo parenting children while he was on the road. And she even dives into her own experiences of divorce and breakdown in marriage, concluding with grief that this is no longer an option for her.
Graham’s life experience means she is acutely aware of loneliness, yet because of this, she has become intimate with its facets, its causes and even its rewards. And by branching out into her own research and discussing spiritual methods of deepening intimacy with God, she invites readers to journey through loneliness towards growth and healing – no matter their relationship status.
Highlighting that we all have an innate need to be known, chosen, to belong and to be valued, Graham points us towards biblical examples that teach us how to find these needs met in Christ. We discover the sanctity of solitude – that is, intentional alone time, which is spent with the Lord and look at why it’s important to be connected to community. Knowing this is not always easy, though – she also explores how to connect and reach out to the people around us so our loneliness eases.
Transforming Loneliness isn’t a cure for isolation – loneliness is a human experience indicating we are missing something in our lives. However, this book points us towards fulfilling all our needs and desires in Christ. And beyond this, it urges us to engage in life-giving community, relationships and practices. We need not hurt alone, and we can even heal together.
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