Book Review: Paul by N.T Wright
4 February 2023
Is it possible to write an accurate biography about someone who lived 2000 years ago? Reviewer Phil Inglis say NT Wright’s book based on the life and teaching of the Apostle Paul encourage us to delve deeper into Scripture.
Reviewed by Phil Inglis
Everyone who grew up in the Christian church has heard about the Apostle Paul. Beginning with his encounter with God through a bright light on the road to Damascus, to his multiple imprisonments, beatings, snake bites and shipwrecks ... not to mention his preaching and testimony in many parts of the then known world.
Much of the book of Acts follows Paul’s life and missionary exploits, and many letters in the New Testament have been attributed to Paul. However, given that Paul lived 2000 years ago, it is hard to imagine that an accurate biography of his life could now be written.
Acclaimed historian and author NT Wright makes an attempt, and while he freely admits that it isn’t a biography as we would expect of a more contemporary figure, it is far more detailed than I had expected. Wright has spent decades studying the life and writings of Paul. His knowledge of the subject is incredible. Having read Wright’s book, I find my reflections on Paul’s writings have become deeper and more detailed, leading to a richer experience.
In Paul’s writings are the most significant interpretations of Jesus teachings, and they have had the greatest impact in shaping the Christian church. This alone is enough reason to take some time to understand who the Apostle Paul was. Wright’s ability to tell Paul’s story in a clear and compelling way is great reason to open the pages of Paul.
Available at Christian bookstores and online.
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