Book review: Run the Race by Christine Caine

Book review: Run the Race by Christine Caine
30 July 2022
In Run The Race, author Christine Caine uses Paul’s metaphor in the book of Acts to explore what it means to contend for your faith.
This release by Christine Caine, subtitled ‘Discover your purpose and experience the power of being on God’s winning team’, is a great little book with so many pearls of wisdom that will encourage you to contend for the faith.
Christine Caine uses descriptive writing that clearly zones you in and keeps you captivated and focused as if you are watching a live commentary of an actual event. As an author, she is very passionate, and her knowledge and experience – as well as her skills as someone who is successfully running her own race of faith – is evident in her writing.
Like the Apostle Paul, Christine also uses the metaphor of running a race, as well as biblical scripture, to reinforce godly concepts and real-life examples. She shares testimonies of personal triumphs and victories when contending for the faith and helps you better understand that you are also equipped to run the race that God has intended for you.
Personally, I related to the author’s purpose and enjoyed her ability to instantly transport me to sitting in the crowd at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. I had nervous excitement in my chest because I was reminded of watching Cathy Freeman running – she was running for me. I highly recommend it to anyone unsure if they are in the right role, job or ministry.
Run the Race is available at Christian bookshops.
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