Book Review: Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance by Levi Lusko

Book Review: Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance by Levi Lusko
13 January 2018
Review by Dave George
Swipe Right by Levi Lusko (pictured) is a powerhouse. This book will change lives – I only wish I had read it 15 years earlier!
Although certainly not the typical topic of my reading choices, Swipe Right: The Life and Death Power of Sex and Romance is the book that will speak to this generation in a time of complex relationship options, tons of false information from all sources, and messages of what life and love should be.
As a happily married 31-year-old man, past my years of raging teenage hormones and pressure to fit in, this book speaks to me of my commitment to my marriage, the reasons I do what I do and think what I think, as well as the need to continually commit to owning my marriage partnership.
As a man who also can vividly remember his pre-teen, teen and university years and is well acquainted with his daily struggles, this book speaks to the inner part of me that made the decisions that have shaped where I am today, both the wise and the not so wise choices – the swipes left and the swipes right.
Although this book is written by a pastor (Lusko is the Pastor at Fresh Life Church in Montana, and the founder of Skull Church and the O2 Experience) it is very relevant and well written in order to remain objective. At no point is the answer “... just because Jesus”, and in my mind, that makes it a great book, useful and worth reading simply because it is written for everyone, including to Christians.
At its core, the book is about “choices today make the you of tomorrow” and is based on relationships with particular emphasis on the sexual intimacy, but has far wider implications for our choices.
Although the overarching message is “hold out until it’s right, then honour it”, there is no condemnation of wrong choices, simply an advocacy for a better way forward.
Swipe Right is a great book for both male and females, gay and straight, old and young, Christian and non-Christian. An easy read with plenty to stop and think about, I stand by my statement that going forward, this book will change lives. I hope it speaks to you too.
Swipe Right is available from Koorong.
Published with permission from
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