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Book Review: The Man in White by Ernest F Crocker

Book Review: The Man in White by Ernest F Crocker

Book Review: The Man in White by Ernest F Crocker

17 August 2021

‘The Man in White’ shares compelling stories about supernatural encounters with God on Earth. Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Reviewed by Laurie Robertson

Having agreed to review The Man in White, it was with trepidation that I received it and commenced reading. My thoughts prereading were not positive.

Will this be airy-fairy, lacking in substance, only presenting a narrow, superficial view of Jesus? I didn’t even like the title or the picture and the combination of fonts on the cover.

Well, how wrong was I? Massively! This is wonderfully inspiring. Dr Crocker brings to us down-to-earth people who have different kinds of encounters with God. The tough times, doubts, Jesus revealing himself in relevant ways for each of them brings spades of substance. It provokes questions, thankfulness, praise, awe, dismay and an upsurge in faith.

For me, the sections on Emeritus Professor Graeme Clark, the inventor of the bionic ear, are alone worth the book price. I heartily recommend this mix of, mainly, testimonies from medical personnel combined with the author’s insightful comments. If you are looking for Salvation Army connections, the chapters on Feby Chan and Ginny provide a couple.

The Man in White is available online and at Koorong.


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