Book Review: The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile
Book Review: The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile
2 February 2021
The personality theory of the Enneagram has had a resurgence in Christian circles recently.
Based on ancient wisdom and Christian traditions, and reinvigorated by Fr Richard Rohr, many people have found it an invaluable tool to better understand themselves, their motivations, and the people around them.
The Path Between Us: An Enneagram Journey to Healthy Relationships, by Suzanne Stabile, dives into the inner working of each personality ‘Type’ and how they respond and react to one another. In addition, the diary gives us the tools to engage with God so as we better understand how he created us to interact with others.
If you haven’t caught up with the Enneagram buzz, let me give you a brief 101. The Enneagram is a personality theory, which characterises humanity into nine personality types. Obviously, no one person is the same, but each ‘Type,’ is defined by their core motivation, giving us the ability to better know ourselves in health, weakness, how we can better relate to God.
Suzanne Stabile is a world-renowned Enneagram teacher, who learned under Fr Richard Rohr. She regularly holds seminars on the Enneagram for personal, spiritual and leadership development. The beauty of this book and diary is that it gives you the space to process the teachings of the Enneagram without paying big bucks to do it. As Susan says, “You can't change how you see. You can only change what you do with how you see.”
If you are wanting to learn more about the Enneagram – whether it be through Stabile’s best-selling book or one of a plethora of other resources out there (there are even Instagram accounts connected to it now!), then the diary gives you the focused space to process, question and analyse at your pace. Rather than just jumping on a bandwagon, it gives you permission to explore the ancient spiritual theory yourself and ultimately find what God can develop in you through it.
The Path Between Us book and journal, are available now at Koorong.
Claudio Naranjo, the "inventor" if the Enneagram confesses he made up origin stories to make it sound more enticing. He also admitted to using the occultic practice of automatic writing to develop it. See attached video link.
Why in the world is The Salvation Army promoting such garbage? The Enneagram has no valid basis in science nor in Christianity.