Book Review: The Powerful Purpose of Introverts by Holley Gerth

Book Review: The Powerful Purpose of Introverts by Holley Gerth
18 December 2021
Counsellor and life coach Holly Gerth recounts her own experience as an introvert in her new book.
As a once-popular song stated, “Introvert, extrovert, doesn’t matter.” Yet, in the latest book from counsellor Holley Gerth, we find out that our personality does matter and could be our superpower.
If you haven’t caught up with the personality jargon, let me give you the 101. An extrovert describes someone who garners energy from external stimuli and people. They are often the life of the party, have constant social lives, and may act before they think. On the other end of the scale (because this is a scale), introverts draw energy from solitude, space and have a rich inner thought life.
As Gerth points out, God made us all unique with a leniency towards extroversion or introversion. Neither is wrong or better than the other. However, in this book, Gerth, a self-professed introvert, equips and empowers like-minded people to embrace their God-given identity. And she shows us that while we live in an extroverted and demanding culture, we are at our healthiest when we know and accept our strengths, weaknesses, and our need for self-care.
As an introvert, I found this book rewarding and fascinating. Gerth gives an overview of the chemical predispositions of personality and unravels what we can learn from popular personality theories. She also provides plenty of checklists and scales so you can assess your own needs and truly embrace your God-given personality.
With additional information about anxiety and depression – which can affect anyone but is often prevalent in introverts, Gerth blends social, psychological, emotional and spiritual learning into an easy-to-read book. Plus, a framework for a book club or study is at the back so that you can explore this in community or individually at your own pace. An empowering, enriching read, I truly felt like an introverted superhero at the end of the book.
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