Book Review: The Sacred Us: A Call to Radical Christianity by Justin Kendrick

Book Review: The Sacred Us: A Call to Radical Christianity by Justin Kendrick
31 January 2023
In The Sacred Us, Pastor Justin Kendrick reflects on his experience of living in missional community, and highlights seven principles we can embody as the Church.
Acts chapter 2 verse 46 says, “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts.” This description of the practices of the followers of Jesus in the days and weeks after he ascended into heaven continued to play in my mind as I read The Sacred Us by Justin Kendrick.
In this book Kendrick shares the story of his life in living with people in a missional community – he and his wife, for a season, sharing a block with all sorts of other Christians. Those in the community eventually knocked down many of their back fences and shared a common space, including a hot tub! Before and after this time they gathered intentionally in each other’s homes, sharing the same tables.
From this experience Kendrick identifies seven principles of authentic community that lead to a rich life with others. He delves into the importance of proximity, vulnerability, discipleship, fun, sacrifice, boundaries and mission, giving great encouragement and practical tips in each area.
We are living in an epidemic of loneliness, and the community of faith is in the prime position, and has the calling, to address this need. Kendrick lives a highly successful life of true community that we can each learn from and hopefully transform our families, churches, neighbourhoods and nation.
The Sacred Us is available now at Christian bookstores and online.
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