Book review: Thirteen Astonishing Years

Book review: Thirteen Astonishing Years
7 January 2020
The inspirational early years of The Salvation Army remembered.
“Early one morning in May 1878 a tall, bearded man, wearing a long yellow dressing gown and felt slippers, set off an explosion in his London bedroom.” The man in question was, of course, William Booth!
So begins chapter one of the latest book from the pen of General John Larsson (ret.), Thirteen Astonishing Years, which offers a fascinating insight into some of the most remarkable years in the history of e Salvation Army.
Drawing on a series of ‘Rear-Mirror Views’ articles published in the UK Salvationist, the book comprises 36 short chapters, each focusing on events or personalities crucial to the expansion of the Army in 13 years of the late 19th century.
General Larsson writes in his usual free-flowing and engaging style as he tells the story of those years and introduces key personalities through whom the Lord worked.
Chapters include: The Fiery Radical (George Scott Railton); The Sensational Evangelist (Elijah Cadman); The Trumpets Sound (brass bands); ‘Please can I come to the meeting?’ (John Roberts and the Young People’s work); ‘My God, who kissed me?’ (Eva Booth); A Life Shaped by Two Events (Samuel Logan Brengle); End of an Era (the promotion to glory of Catherine Booth); and Darkest England (William Booth’s publishing sensation).
Thirteen Astonishing Years is available from Sydney Salvationist Supplies (1800 634 209) or and Melbourne Salvation Army Supplies (1800 100 018) or commerce.
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