Book Review: Topical Preaching in a Complex World by Sam Chan and Malcolm Gill
Book Review: Topical Preaching in a Complex World by Sam Chan and Malcolm Gill
12 November 2022
This book is timely in its release. As a young adults leader at my local church, the people I often preach to are drawn more towards content that is topical rather than expository. The reason? We live in a world where people are flooded with content minute by minute. The younger generation has learned to cope with this by prioritising relevant content that grabs their attention. And nothing grabs your attention more than someone sharing a relatable (often funny) story!
This is where topical preaching can shine – focusing on your topic, using an illustration that is personal yet specific to your community and linking it with a Scripture that brings in the truth of God’s word. Suddenly, the listener realises they aren’t alone in their struggles and see a clear path of how God wants to meet them in their world.
As I read Topical Preaching in a Complex World: How to proclaim truth and relevance, what stood out for me was how the authors encouraged the reader to use the format of topical preaching in a community development context. That is to not preach ‘at’ people but ‘to’ people. And there’s a big difference between these!
To preach ‘to’ people is to know their social context, difficulties and worries. It is to understand their cultural backgrounds, interests and passions and to consider this. Thus, Chan and Gill expertly teach topical preaching in the best way possible – a way that doesn’t shame others or make the preacher appear as a saviour but exhorts and points to Christ. Using their countless examples, frameworks and reflections, a preacher can hone their ability to exhort others in a specific way to their community and context.
Topical Preaching in a Complex World is available online and at Christian bookstores.
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