Book Review: Walking with Communities by Ian Campbell, Alison Rader Campbell and Robin Rader

Book Review: Walking with Communities by Ian Campbell, Alison Rader Campbell and Robin Rader
5 March 2022
In Walking With Communities, Salvationists Dr Ian Campbell, Alison Rader Campbell, and Robin Rader share their years of wisdom and expertise working with people across the globe.
Dr Ian Campbell and Alison Rader Campbell are no strangers to a challenge – over 30 years, the Salvationist couple have served in communities across the globe, from Malawi and Rwanda to Australia, Brazil, and China.
As boots on the ground during the HIV/AIDS crisis, Alison is a Community development Consultant and Ian acted as The Salvation Army’s Medical Advisor and International Health Program Consultant for 17 years.
One might think that compiling their wisdom into a single memoir/guide is challenging enough – but true to form, Alison and Ian took it a step further – literally. For 28 days, Ian walked England’s famous South West Coast Path, from Minehead in Somerset to Poole in Dorset.
With logistical support from Alison over the 1013km trail, he used each leg to recount his experiences, allowing the Spirit to guide his thoughts, stories and learnings. With the support of Robin Rader, who transcribed and compiled his thoughts, the culmination is the book Walking With Communities, an inspiring and practical community development guide about integrated mission.
Pairing each chapter with stunning images of the South West Coast Path and people from the countries he talks about, this book empowers and celebrates the tenacity of people across the globe. Aside from reading a summary about the Campbells’ time in each community, we are encouraged to think about how we can apply their learnings in our lives. By adding in questions and closing each chapter with a quote from a local, the Imago Deo (Image of God) of all humanity is celebrated.
This book is an invaluable resource as a practical guide that marries mission, health, and community development. And if you are weary or burned out by the daily grind of serving the least, the lost, and the least – sit down and read this book. It will rejuvenate you, reminding you about God’s mission on earth and the sacred part we are invited to play in it.
Walking With Communities is available at Sydney Salvationist Supplies (1800 634 209) and Melbourne Salvation Army Supplies (1800 100 018) or
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