Movie Review: Patterns of Evidence -The Moses Controversy

Movie Review: Patterns of Evidence -The Moses Controversy
7 March 2020
While interesting, The Moses Controversy fails to challenge its hypothesis that Moses was the original author of the Pentateuch.
Award-winning film-maker Timothy Mahoney embarks on a journey to confirm Moses as the author of the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) in the follow up to Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus.
During a slow first half of the film, the subject and parameters for measuring the validity of evidence are established among several interviews with scholars. Much of the two-hour run time is taken up by personal story and recapping, which sits awkwardly with the investigating documentary style of the production.
Although interesting and with several visually pleasing re-enactments, the very guided discovery and interpretation of evidence takes the excitement out of exploring the controversy, and the original hypothesis is never really being challenged.
As the investigation draws to a close, there are some liberties in interpretation and very large leaps in order to keep to the narrative. There is the overwhelming feeling that no expert interviews, evidence examined or places travelled to would have changed the conclusion of the film.
Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy is available at Koorong.
Captain Jacqui Milkins is the Corps Officer at Glenorchy Salvation Army in Tasmania.
Brilliant! Though many will try under the guise of science or archeology, the awesome word of God will prevail.