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Movie Review: Sabina - Tortured for Christ

Movie Review: Sabina - Tortured for Christ

Movie Review: Sabina - Tortured for Christ

20 August 2022

In the biopic ‘Sabina: Tortured for Christ’, we witness Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand forgive the people who imprison and persecute them. 

Reviewed by Karen Armstrong

I enjoy watching movies that are based on actual events. The fact that the backdrop of Sabina: Tortured for Christ is Communist Romania in World War Two made this movie inspiring.

We are introduced to Sabina (Raluca Botez) and Richard Wurmbrand (Emil Mandanac), who are both born Jewish, and what follows is a Christian film that characterises their journey of love and romance.

The love story between Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand overcame years of imprisonment, suffering and distance. The couple would remain married until Sabina’s death in 2000. Richard was promoted to glory the following year.

Despite the Nazi Regime, they converted from radical atheism to Christianity in 1938 and became co-founders of the non-denominational organisation ‘The Voice of the Martyrs’, which supports persecuted Christians across the globe.

Created in partnership with the non-profit, this film was awarded the Best Feature Film at the Christian Worldview Film Festival in 2021.

Throughout the film, we learn about the couple’s incredible bravery and sacrifice. Sabina was ultimately imprisoned and subjected to forced labour for three years as she continued the underground missionary work she began with her husband.

Meanwhile, Richard was imprisoned and tortured for 14 years. Despite this, their choice to forgive and love the Nazi soldiers they encounter makes Sabina and Richard role models for Christians across the globe.

I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to explore their walk with God. I hope and pray that this will encourage anyone to go deeper in light of the significant historical events that made way for the creation of ‘The Voice of the Martyrs’.

Sabina: Tortured for Christ is rated PG for thematic content, some disturbing images and violence. Available on DVD from Christian bookstores.


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