Music review: All the Earth by The Belonging Co

Music review: All the Earth by The Belonging Co
3 February 2018
All the Earth is the debut album from the American church The Belonging Co, based in Nashville.
Yet another church in the United States has released a worship album. No shocker there, but this debut by Nashville church The Belonging Co is – dare I say it, different from the rest.
Why? Well, the church itself was pioneered by Planetshakers alumni, Pastors Henry and Alex Seeley.
A Grammy award-winning producer, Henry was unequivocally one of the most influential songwriters and worship leaders in the 2000’s worship movement. His songs like Reflector and I Want to See Jesus are remembered by many 20 and 30-somethings as the soundtrack to our teen years.
Nearly a decade after the Seeley’s departure from Planetshakers church to move to Nashville, they have returned to what they do best: publicly leading people in worship. And the best part? They never sought it out themselves.
Instead, they began worshiping with friends in their basement, and it snowballed into the downtown Nashville church that now houses some of the most influential artists in Christian music, including Kari Jobe, Cody Cairnes, Lauren Daigle and Hillsong’s Mia Fieldes.
All The Earth is a mammoth 17-track album that encompasses songs penned by and for their church.
Perfectly capturing the heartfelt worship of their services (trust me, I’ve been there), it is as rich in anthemic songs of praise as it is in soul-stirring worship tracks. Steering clear of complicated and poetic lyrics, each song is simple yet meaningful, allowing people to use the songs in corporate worship or their private time.
While Henry and Alex lead the church, there is no clear leader on this album.
This is not a criticism; rather much like Bethel they share the lead between numerous worship leaders – 11 in all. This allows the artistry of people like CCM artist Meredith Andrews to shine through, without detracting from the overall worship experience.
Peace Be Still, led by Lauren Daigle, is a highlight and will resonate in your soul long after it has finished.
And old-school Planetshakers fans will get a kick out the opener, Zeal, led by Henry and possessing some of the fun and passion of our youth. Duets are also on the album, and husband and wife Kari Jobe and Cody Cairns deliver the stunning song Closer to Your Heart.
This album has been created by some of the best in the worship industry and it shows on every track.
Production is perfect, and the authenticity of the project will compel you to draw close to Christ as you listen to this album.
If All The Earth is a taster of what The Belonging Co has to offer in the future, then we are in for a treat.
All The Earth is available on iTunes now.
How can I get a copy of a cd version? I’ve looked everywhere. I love the music and the song Peace be Still really hit home for me and I’ve been playing and replaying off you tube. I’d love to get a copy of the cd. The song brings me much needed peace and I need that right now in my life. Thank you.