Music review: MercyMe! It's Christmas by MercyMe

Music review: MercyMe! It's Christmas by MercyMe
16 December 2017
Those embarking on Christmas journeys will enjoy this energetic album from MercyMe.
After the success of their 2005 Christmas album The Christmas Sessions, MercyMe have released MercyMe! It’s Christmas, a fantastic album featuring Christmas favourites done in new and interesting ways and a number of new offerings to the holiday selection.
MercyMe are a contemporary Christian band with many great hits and significant crossover success. Usually just a five-piece band It’s Christmas covers the band with strings and a backing horn section which certainly gets my ears tuned in.
This album is fresh, enjoyable and a fun listen, having made its way into many of the car trips of the George family this Christmas season. I’m always on the look out for something with a good truckin’ vibe and this suits us well. And, if you are anything like us with four sets of parents to visit at Christmas time, there is plenty of driving ahead.
To further increase the intrigue for the listener, each song offers something different and exciting (which we all know is rule number one in making a successful Christmas song, let alone album). The whole album feels really ‘new’ with songs such as Sleigh Ride employing simple musical techniques such as rhythmic displacement to keep you engaged and on your toes.
O Come O Come Emmanuel is a just a gem hidden right down at track 11, with simple piano accompaniment and a four part vocal, this one is a really subdued ending to what is a very creative album.
So many great songs are on this release, including Joy to the World with an almost a Coldplay feel at times, Newborn (a fresh version of Away in the Manger and Hark the Herald), Holly Jolly Christmas with it horn sections, and Christmastime Again an original with an almost 50/60s country/pop/Blues Brothers throwback.
This is an absolute winner album and certainly will get a few rotations at the George’s this year. Given time, we may hear Mrs. George elevating it to one of her all time favourites which should be the goal of all new Christmas albums.
MercyMe! It’s Christmas is available on iTunes and through Koorong.
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