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Podcast Review: 7 Days by the Worship Arts team

Podcast Review: 7 Days by the Worship Arts team

Podcast Review: 7 Days by the Worship Arts team

29 May 2021

The national Worship Arts team have released a podcast all about creativity – and it’s available for free on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

Reviewed by Jessica Morris

Creativity is a fundamental characteristic of our mighty, loving God – and who better to explore what it means than the national Worship Arts team of The Salvation Army in Australia?

In their new podcast, 7 Days, Worship Arts coordinators Shushannah Anderson (NSW) and Dan Casey (SA) interview artists, musicians, writers and candlestick makers (ok, not yet), about what it means to make a Kingdom impact through a creative life.

While Dan and Shush are inspiring Salvos with this podcast, their guests showcase a diverse range of denominations, occupations and ages. This means we have the privilege of gleaning the wisdom of retired Salvo Composer Brian Hogg in one episode, and on another meet business owners Cale and Colette MacLaren, who use 3D art as a form of evangelism.

This is a fun and highly relatable podcast that will replenish and inspire creatives of all kinds in The Salvation Army. Listen for free now on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.


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