Viewpoints: Nature's Parables on the Biblical Perspective

Viewpoints: Nature's Parables on the Biblical Perspective
13 September 2016
Lieut-Colonel Lucille L. Tufrey’s latest book, Viewpoints: Nature’s Parables on the Biblical Perspective is an eight-week series of daily devotions. Viewpoints is the latest book from the pen, paintbrush and camera of Lieut-Colonel Tufrey, who says, “This earth is still a ‘many splendoured’ place – it sings to me of our Creator Lord who deigns to walk with us throughout the years, the tears, the fears, but also the abounding joys of life’s experience.”
Each reflection includes a prayer, a point to ponder and a pilgrim’s pool discussion starter for small groups, offset by a beautiful full-colour landscape photograph. Viewpoints is a sister publication to Landscapes: Nature’s Parable on the Human Journey (2015), Reflections: Nature’s Parables on Wholeness and Holiness (2014) and The Sacred Journey: Nature’s Parables on Redemption (2012).
Viewpoints can be purchased from Salvationist Supplies for $18. Go to or phone (02) 9466 3257.
Simply email your name and address to, with the words “Pipeline giveaway” in the subject line by 30 September for your chance to win our giveaway copy of Lieut-Colonel Lucille L. Tufrey’s book, Viewpoints: Nature’s Parables on the Biblical Perspective.
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