From doing nothing, to doing everything!
From doing nothing, to doing everything!
Kate with Bellarine Peninsula Corps Officer Captain Peter Hobbs. Photo: Bruce Redman
My daughter came home from primary school one day and said: “Mum, can I go and hang out with the Salvos at school ... they do activities on Tuesday afternoons.”
I said: “Yeah, why not, off you go.” It was when I picked her up that I met Di and Pete (Bellarine Peninsula Salvation Army officers Captains Diane and Peter Hobbs) and their two little kids. The first thing I noticed was that they seemed to care about people – they took the time to talk to the parents and get to know them.
They genuinely wanted to know how my life was going, and at that stage mine was pretty crap, to be honest. I had just lost my mum, and between losing my mum and dad I had a stillborn ... and I had lost my best friend as well.
It had got to the point where I’d just stay at home all the time and basically lie in bed all day. I had no motivation. I’d never go anywhere and I just basically didn’t care about life.
Di and Pete, well they just listened and they didn’t judge me. What they did do was get me out of the house. They said the Salvos always needed voluntary help, and said I could help them. I couldn’t believe someone needed my help!
Anyway, I started volunteering at the Salvos op shop ... and that’s where it all started. It got me out and about and I started meeting people that I never thought I’d meet.
One thing led to another and I also started helping with the Salvos ‘Open Air’ music program at the primary school on Tuesday nights. I started helping with Salvo youth group on Friday nights too. In fact, I started helping with anything ... basically anything and everything!
Being part of The Salvation Army has also helped my daughter Tahlia a lot.
We go on Friday nights together for youth group and it’s brought us together, a lot closer.
She’s loved seeing me being able to get out and about and not just lying at home in bed doing nothing. I’ve even given up smoking!
I don’t go to actual church, but I come to the Salvos brunch every second Sunday. Everyone gathers around, we have breakfast and after that we do a Bible reading, and we have the opportunity to ask questions about faith and things.
I wouldn’t go to a church – no way. But this, I will. It’s good. I love it.
I do a Bible study as well and I go to the Hillsong Conference. I went last year and this year. It’s awesome there, so many people and no one judges anyone.
It’s good. And I’ve been to Salvation Army commissionings in Melbourne, and I went to the Still Others conference last year as well. And there you go.
In the past eight years or so The Salvation Army has taken me from doing nothing, to doing everything.
Read more testimonies HERE.
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