Kevin's road to healing

Kevin's road to healing
Volunteering at the Salvos took Kevin on a road of self-discovery and healing.
I was in Perth for 22 years. I come from the UK and my marriage sort of split, you know?
Anyway, my sister said, “Come over to Sydney”. I lived in Matraville first, but then she bought a place down at Bowral [in the NSW Southern Highlands], and I lived there for two years. Because I’m retired from work, I thought, “What am I going to do?” So, anyway, I got involved in The Salvation Army down there at the Family Store, volunteering. I went to church in Bowral at The Salvation Army and I enjoyed it. But I mainly went because we had a big spread afterwards – tea and biscuits – and everyone was there.
Then my sister told me that she didn’t want to keep the house in Bowral, so I couldn’t live there anymore. So she said, “Come back up to Matraville”. The Salvation Army is close by at Maroubra and, after I got involved there, things really, really started happening for me.
I had been to Maroubra Salvos once before, when I first moved here, and it didn’t go well. I went into the church to see what it was all about, and there was a girl doing this healing thing. After about 10 or 15 minutes of this, I was out of there. And Matt [Gluyas, Maroubra Team Leader] followed us out. And I said to him, “I can’t watch this bollocks. This is boloney what’s going on in there!”
But I know now that none of it is boloney. I’ll tell you why.
I’ve had hearing problems for years, and after giving Maroubra Salvos another go, I learned that there were people coming along from Aussie Hearing [Specialist Hearing Service Australian Hearing] and they checked me out. They said to me, “you need to come up and do more extensive tests for your hearing because it’s not good”.
So anyway, around this time, Sandra [a volunteer friend from Maroubra Salvos] started going up the road to a place called Jubilee Church and after about four or five times she said, “Go up Kevin, they’ll heal you!”. And I said, “I don’t think so”, and she said, “Go! Go up!”.
So, I did go up and, anyway, a guy called Jonathan, he sort of put his hands on my ears, and I hear this really loud popping in my ears. Anyway, I left there and walked outside. When I walked outside, for the first time ever I could hear my footsteps, quite clearly. Then I got into my car and put on the radio. I thought, “Ah! That’s way too loud!”. I used to have the radio up really loud – like about 40 on the dial.
No way in a million years did I think that I could be healed. But I was!
So, I still went back to Aussie Hearing and I told the young lady in there what had happened, but she didn’t believe me. I said, “Look, there was nobody more sceptical when I was up at that Jubilee Church than me”. Anyway, it usually takes about 15 minutes to do everything, and I was in there an hour. The girl was going through everything ... and she finally said, “You don’t need hearing aids”. She was really taken aback!
Being healed by Jesus has opened up a new life for me. Life is just so good because Jesus says, “Give your problems to me, and let me worry about them”.
There’s now no fear in me about anything, you know what I mean? My Father will take care of everything.
I started volunteering three days a week at the Maroubra Salvos. I cook the breakfast barbeque and I help wash up. I just like to help people. On Sundays I go to Maroubra Salvos, then I go up to Jubilee Church.
* Kevin has since moved back to the NSW Southern Highlands where he volunteers at the Bowral Family Store. He remains connected with Maroubra Salvos, travelling by train every Wednesday to attend and volunteer at the community luncheon.
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