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Donaldsons' Monthly Message: April 2020

Donaldsons' Monthly Message: April 2020

Donaldsons' Monthly Message: April 2020

1 April 2020

"Written in red" - the Donaldsons share about Easter in their monthly message for April.

How do you feel about giving up something important to you? Have you ever been asked to give up something that’s really valuable? Think about that for a minute. Does something come to mind? Whatever you have had to give up willingly or reluctantly or through no choice of your own, has cost you because you know its price.

As I reflect on Easter I am reminded of its precious importance to me. The highest price was paid for my sin. What’s so important about Easter? It’s important because it proved that Jesus was who he claimed to be. He was God in the flesh, and he came to earth to save us. Jesus paid the ultimate price.

Three events occurred in succession on that Easter weekend: Jesus on trial; the death of Jesus; and the resurrection of Jesus.

Jesus actually went through six trials. At the end of those trials, what did they find him guilty of? Nothing. They made up charges that didn’t stick and then convicted him of claiming to be the Son of God. That’s why Jesus went to the cross. He claimed he was the Saviour of the world (John 12:47). Jesus could have stopped his trial at any time, but he knew his death was all part of the greater plan.

After suffering a night of jeering and beating, which finished with being crowned with thorns, Jesus was crucified. Crucifixion is probably the most horrific of deaths. We cannot comprehend the pain and agony Jesus suffered for us. Why? Because he alone was the only one able to pay for our sins. We deserved punishment, but Jesus paid the ultimate price.

After Jesus died, they took his body down and put him in a tomb. A large stone was placed in front of the entrance. The religious leaders were worried that the body of Jesus may be stolen, so Roman soldiers stood guard at the tomb. They didn’t want him coming out, but we know, of course, that he did!

Maybe you already know the story. But it’s vital we remember that Easter is not remembering some good, kind religious teacher who lived over 2000 years ago. It’s a celebration of the fact that he is alive today. I am the proof of that, along with two billion other Christians who will celebrate Easter this year.

Easter is the best news ever because it’s a continual reminder that God gave up his only, precious son to be delivered to this earth as a baby. He lived among us, dying on a cross so that we might be saved.

In letters of crimson, God wrote his love On the hillside so long, long ago;
For you and for me Jesus died,
And love’s greatest story was told.

I love you, I love you That’s what Calvary said; I love you, I love you,
I love you, written in red.

Down through the ages, God wrote his love With the same hands that suffered and bled; Giving all that he had to give,
A message so easily read.

I love you, I love you That’s what Calvary said; I love you, I love you,
I love you, written in red. I love you, I love you,
I love you, written in red.

(Gordon Jensen)

May your hearts and souls be blessed this Easter time! Rejoice and celebrate the miracle and triumph of Christ’s resurrection. May God fill your homes with peace, hope and love.


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