Equity means emphasising the 'all'

Equity means emphasising the 'all'
26 March 2019
Felicity Jones plays Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who challenged the way we think about women and men, a story told in the film On the Basis of Sex.
A recent movie that is boldly titled On the Basis of Sex seeks to capture the story of future Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
A Washington Post review identifies that RBG, as she has become known, helped expand the concept of ‘justice for all’ to encompass a lot more of ‘all’.
As a passionate and dedicated lawyer, she brought her cases before the US Supreme Court in the 1970s, claiming that the law discriminates on the basis of gender.
Ginsburg’s work helped to change the way we all think about women – and men for that matter. There is still room for change in the way we all think about women and
In the foundational presentation recommending the creation of a single national territory for Australia, clearly named was the need and opportunity to address the systematic inequalities faced by women, and specifically experienced by women officers.
Our biblical mandate for justice calls us to no less. The future that we are embracing as a Salvation Army for the 21st century in Australia and beyond, requires each of us in faith to courageously put the inspiring rhetoric into action as we take this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for critical
We will see come to reality in its fullness, a culture of equity in which biblical teaching and Salvation Army theology of women in leadership informs our practice.
We will continue to ensure there are fair and just processes that eliminate discriminatory and sexist practices.
We will continue to intentionally provide development opportunities for women to reach their full potential. As a national leadership team, we remain committed to the recommendations and steps necessary to see every individual as a person created in the image of God, encouraged to
We are to be held to these commitments. And the same must be said for every Salvo across the movement. This challenge and the necessary change faces every one of us, in every setting. In launching the journey to a single Australia Territory in September 2016, then-world leader of the Army, General André Cox, identified that this was a unique moment for The Salvation Army in Australia.
He went on to say, “I want to encourage all officers, soldiers
The Salvation Army that is emerging and The Salvation Army that will be for decades ahead, is depending on you and me at this moment to ensure our thinking and our practice reflects a theologically sound “justice for all” that encompasses a lot more of “all” regardless of gender.
Commissioner Floyd Tidd is Territorial Commander of The Salvation Army Australia Territory.
"The Salvation Army that is emerging and The Salvation Army that will be for decades ahead, is depending on you and me at this moment to ensure our thinking and our practice reflects a theologically sound “justice for all” that encompasses a lot more of “all” regardless of gender."...and sexuality?