How can you be extra kind today?

How can you be extra kind today?
13 November 2022
Brightening someone’s day with a simple act of kindness goes a long way. Photo: Annie Spratt
The first time I saw them, I did a double-take. How long had they been there? Why hadn’t I noticed them before? How did they get there?
‘They’ were daffodils. Well, miniature ones and certainly not ‘a golden cloud’ – more a clump of daffs on the grass verge on our housing estate. And then, as these things happen, once I had seen them, I started to notice them elsewhere on the estate.
My curiosity was aroused as to how they got there. Who had planted them? It seems that a group of people who wanted to brighten our town got together to plant the bulbs in the autumn, ready for spring. They wanted to bring colour to the grass verges and some joy as well.
As far as I am concerned, they certainly succeeded, for just seeing them certainly brightens my day. Who knew that such a simple unselfish act could bring so much pleasure to others? And it’s so much more commendable when we will never know who the people were who spent their own time for the benefit of others.
But the unselfish act by the volunteer gardeners chimes with the advice encouraging us to ‘be kind’ that is very relevant today when there seems to be so much anger and bad feeling. Much of it is expressed anonymously on social media, where it can do so much damage to the recipient’s mental health.
Being kind is neither weak nor new. Whilst on earth, Jesus encouraged His listeners to “Love your neighbour as you love yourself” (Mark 12:31 NIV). It was so important that Jesus called it the second greatest commandment. And it’s still good advice all these years later.
Now it certainly isn’t always easy to do, but how can you ‘be kind’ today on World Kindness Day? It’ll grow on you.
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