Playing your part in the body of Christ

Playing your part in the body of Christ
26 June 2019
Photo:Thom Holmes
As of July 1, The Salvation Army Australia Territory will have new leaders.
Commissioners Janine and Robert Donaldson have joined the team. And I say joined the team because they are emphatic in their belief that for God’s will and way to be effectively carried out it takes many people working together. is came through strongly in an interview when they were asked to describe their leadership style.
Robert quickly stated that their leadership “metaphor really is the body of Christ. And scripture so clearly says that all of us belong, all of us contribute, all of us are equally important. And if one is not doing their part, all of us suffer. And leadership for us is just actually being part of the body, it’s not about standing on the top or thinking you have all knowledge. It’s actually being part of the body and playing your part in that and being open to and supportive of everyone who’s playing their part”.
“Well, we need each other,” added Janine. “The wonderful people in Australia, we need you. We simply need each other to work with God, to bring others to Christ. We can’t do it on our own, so there’s this beautiful sentiment how God created us to be in community, to lift our hands and praise him, to join hands and work together.”
So, as far as the territorial leaders are concerned, we are all in this ministry together – where helping people connect with Jesus Christ is our primary focus. But what does this really mean for us as a movement and mission and as individuals?
Do we even know what our part is or can be in? Have we deliberately sought God’s guidance? Have we ever taken the plunge and given something a go to see if this is one of the ways God wants us to partner with him? When we become aware of a need do we think it through to determine if we can be involved in the solution?
Have we thought about how can we can become involved in discussions to enable
our corps, Salvos Stores, Employment Plus office, youth program, recovery centre, Moneycare office, or headquarters to effectively minister with all other expressions of The Salvation Army in our area?
And, personally, what do I know about the area meetings involving corps, mission enterprise and social mission leaders? What does collaborating with every other Army expression to transform our community one life at a time with the love of Jesus mean for me? How can I be involved in caring for people, building a healthy community, creating faith pathways and helping people be treated justly? In fact, what would a healthy community look like?
So many questions and, yet, so often we can be part of the answer – the solution. If we want to be.
The Christ-centred enthusiasm of the Donaldsons for all Salvos to deliver spirit, mind and body ministry is inspiring. They speak passionately about holistic ministry where there is a part for every one of us to play.
Are you and I up to it? I pray we are and that we will just get on and do it!
Lieut-Colonel Laurie Robertson is Editor-in-Chief
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