Salvation Army leadership goes beyond college walls
Salvation Army leadership goes beyond college walls
12 April 2021
Over the past 12 months, we have given greater emphasis on preparing those desiring to step into officership. We are encouraging more thorough development along with broader leadership experience prior to a candidate being considered for officer training. This approach comes out of our responsibility to protect and care for individuals and ensure their long-term flourishing, especially if they become officers in The Salvation Army. It recognises that the ministry of every officer comes from Christ revealed in us (Galatians 1:15-16).
With such an approach, our focus cannot simply be the number of cadets in training. We must celebrate every person on the leadership development pathway within our corps and across our divisions. I am pleased to see the number of candidate helpers appointed and ministry workers employed in 2020, along with individuals who have entered formal development arrangements within their corps. We pray that these steps will be key milestones on their leadership journey within The Salvation Army.
We are at a historic time in the life of our movement and I encourage you to explore what leadership in The Salvation Army may look like for you. It is now possible to be commissioned and ordained as a specialised officer within our social and community services, or an auxiliary-lieutenant appointed to a specific role for a three- to 10-year period.
These are exciting and important days and I encourage you to respond to God’s leading.
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