Soaring above the tough times with faith and courage

Soaring above the tough times with faith and courage
5 February 2023
Soar like an eagle ... when it is hard to be brave, we can remember who our God is – mighty, all-knowing, loving, just, kind and faithful.
What is one of the bravest things you have ever done? What inspired you to act with bravery? What enables us to be brave when we feel anything but?
Sometimes courage is just getting out of bed and facing the day ahead.
What is courage? And what does it look like to be courageous?
The Bible is a collection of stories about courage – and fear! It seems we humans have many reasons to be afraid, judging by the number of times God tells us: “Do not be afraid!”
Throughout history, it has sometimes been hard to tell the difference between courage and foolhardiness, between fear and standing up for what you believe in, and between bravery and the need for an adrenaline rush.
Sometimes I think I have been brave – but in hindsight, it has been more like naive idealism! Sometimes I think I have been naively idealistic (foolish even, perhaps?), and it has turned out, quite unexpectedly, to be courage in action!
Living brave
I think of the thousands of people who chose pacifism over conscription, refusing to go to war – and were branded as cowards.
Taking a step through a new door is often a courageous one.
I think of young girls refusing to bow to tradition, standing against the barbaric practice of female genital mutilation or forced marriage as children – often ostracised from their villages and labelled rebellious.
I think of millions worldwide who have marched or stood in protest against injustice – and been called troublemakers, beaten, and sometimes imprisoned.
Then there are the countless unnamed and unnoticed people who, every day, living in war zones and impoverished countries or struggling with mental illness, chronic pain or domestic violence and more, keep going – even when they feel they can’t go on anymore.
Bravery has all sorts of faces and comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes.
And sometimes, perhaps often, bravery doesn’t feel all that brave – and might be dressed in trembling knees and sweaty palms.
There is the story of a woman breaking into a men’s-only club, knowing she was unwanted, looked down upon, and judged for living a life that didn’t fit with convention. She came bearing a costly gift – and offered that gift in the act of utter devotion (Luke 7:36-50).
God is the source of our courage and peace in turbulent times.
The fragrance of her bravery filled the air and lingers still, almost 2000 years on. Her devotion and love outweighed any fear she may have felt.
Perhaps she was unafraid – maybe she only had eyes and love for the one person who drew her into that room.
This woman’s story reminds us that where there is love, there can be no fear (1 John 4:18).
Yes, there are times when we feel anxiety and concern simply because we do love someone else. We may fear for their safety, wellbeing, and recovery from illness. Yet this anxiety and concern for those we love don’t necessarily hold us back from acting with courage or standing bravely with those who suffer.
God’s love and peace
We can surrender our anxieties and worries, as hard as that sometimes is – and receive the peace that Jesus gives: “I leave the gift of peace with you – my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts – instead, be courageous” (John 14:27 The Passion Translation).
Encouraging and supporting others can also help them step out and face their fears.
We can choose to be brave, and that choice is not always an easy one to make.
When it is hard to be brave, we can remember who our God is – mighty, all-knowing, loving, just, kind and faithful ... how God has called us, equipped us and empowered us to stand firm and be who we were created to be ... the indwelling Holy Spirit ... who encouraged the first disciples to speak boldly and act with grace and love.
Most importantly, we can choose to remember that God is always and will always be present and that nothing can separate us from God.
If you were encouraged right now, empowered to be brave, what would that look like?
Would anything be different in your life, and if so, how?
Who are the people, and what stories inspire you to be brave?
Take some time now to reflect on what courage looks like at this time for you.
A benediction
May your soul find rest in God alone; and be filled with hope.
May you know the Almighty as your rock and your salvation, your fortress, so you will not be shaken.
May you know that your salvation and honour depend on God as your mighty rock and refuge.
May you trust God at all times, pouring out your heart to the one who is your refuge.
May you know with every part of your being that the Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves.
May you know that this is the God who takes great delight in you; and rejoices over you with singing.”
(Based on Psalm 62:5-8 and Zephaniah 3:16-17)
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