Time is ticking

Time is ticking
8 September 2019
Photo: Aron Visuals
Forgive me if i can’t give you a clear answer. I’m just as confused as many of you. I can’t keep up with the trends in society. I can’t stay abreast of all the issues. And I surely can’t stay on top of my opinions on every new hot topic that is trending on Twitter.
One minute we’re talking about religious freedom, then it’s peace deals with Iran, or whether high schools should ban mobile phones.
Someone then cracks open the abortion debate, then we’re back to whether the climate has already undergone irreparable damage. Another conversation and we’re talking about the rich helping the poor, multinationals paying their fair share of tax and whether we should have more stringent frameworks around genetic engineering; I mean, who wants to create a designer baby?
Facebook might be starting to implode. Immigration is still causing our Navy headaches. Nursing homes are the subject of a royal commission. The banks and the Church are still reeling from their royal commissions. Baby formula, obesity, Papal authority, the credibility of the local church, rising sea levels ... you name it, we’re talking about it.
And I can’t help but wonder, what time is it right now?
I’m not sure it’s time to be opinionated. Attempting to take a position on anything makes me feel like I’m attempting to swim blindfolded through a jellyfish-infested ocean while trying not to get stung.
Actually, it’s like trying to walk slowly through a minefield of ideas while attempting to chew on the truth. But it’s hard to walk and chew at the same time. In some circumstances I find myself bombarded with opinions and strongly held views, while readying myself to be swiftly lambasted when any of my particular views are expressed.
But I’m going to be bold and say something in a moment, because I feel like I have a sense that I know what time it is. And what I’m about to say, I don’t say timidly. I think, through prayer and consideration, I have a good grasp right now of what time it is, so let me give it to you. It’s time for salvation.
Irrespective of your theological leanings, your level of ‘Christian’ understanding (whatever that even is), and notwithstanding your own potential inhibitions or otherwise towards what I’m saying, it’s time for what I like to call ‘full salvation’.
It’s time for some good news that leads people to hope and fullness of life, beyond their current circumstances, that speaks to the very heart of their existence. It’s time for salvation in Christ. Let me explain. This full salvation (being wholly set free and fully redeemed) is found in God’s son, Jesus Christ. There’s no other name under heaven by which we can be saved.
If you have the Son, you have life; you have salvation; you have hope and joy and purpose. We call it good news for a reason, that in Jesus we can turn from our sin, be forgiven and start afresh with him at the centre of our lives.
The problem is we’ve forgotten what time it is. We’ve let ourselves get consumed by the immediacy of the issues and forgotten the long-term importance of the gift of salvation.
It hit me recently, in 2 Corinthians 6:2b, where Paul writes that, “Today is the day of salvation.” The day when salvation is important is not tomorrow.
The Bible doesn’t say, “Once you’ve all agreed on your positions on A, B and C, we can get on with calling people to follow Jesus.” No, today is the day of salvation.
We’ve been drowning in our pre-conceived opinions of someone’s perception of our uncommunicated truth. We must speak up and live out the incredible truth and grace that is found in God’s son, Jesus Christ.
If people misunderstand that; then so be it. If people put you in a particular box, then so be it. If people want to tell you which way you lean (left, right and everything in between), then tell them you simply lean towards Jesus.
The hours and the minutes have been ticking, and we’ve forgotten what time it is. In the splurge of populism and the frequency of argumentative behaviour, we’ve coiled up in our little cocoons and forgotten the time.
It’s time for salvation. And we must pray and act now, for Jesus’ sake.
Captain Pete Brookshaw is the Corps Officer of The Salvation Army Craigieburn. He blogs at www.petebrookshaw.com
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