Lismore celebrates anniversary in musical style
Lismore celebrates anniversary in musical style
22 May 2016
Number one soldier on the Lismore Corps roll, Harold Taylor plants a shrub as part of the 125th anniversary celebrations.
In the late 1800s, the local council took The Salvation Army to court when it “opened fire” on the streets of Lismore, prosecuting the officer in charge for “hindering traffic by kneeling down and praying on a public thoroughfare”.
Lismore Corps was again under the watchful eye of the local council when recently celebrating its 125th anniversary, but this time with great approval. In fact, Lismore Mayor, Jenny Dowell, recorded proceedings and used Facebook to commend the event to her many local government contacts. And if that was not enough, the mayor attended a second performance on the same day to officially welcome visitors returning to Lismore for the celebrations, at the same time expressing her appreciation for what the church has done locally, is still doing and will continue to do in the northern NSW town.
Anniversary celebrations began with a street performance by the Brisbane-based Revelation Big Band, followed by a grand musical extravaganza in the evening, boosted by input from husband-and-wife vocal team Shelden and Louise Mathieson. The Mathiesons and band also shared leadership of Sunday worship and took part in an after-lunch session of more vocals and music.
Lismore literally got into the swing of things via the big band’s unique style of serving up great gospel music favourites. The rhythm may have been different, but the soul-saving message was the same. Long will the city remember the Mathiesons’ final number, You Raise Me Up, on the Sunday afternoon.
Weekend guests included NSW and ACT Divisional Commander, Lieutenant-Colonel Miriam Gluyas, and the NSW North Coast Area Officers, Majors David and Lea Palmer. Visitors came from as far away as the United States and New Zealand, reliving past connections with the local corps, some captured in a display of photographs and newspaper clippings that went right back to the Army’s local beginnings.
Anniversary celebrations were also marked by the planting of a native Australian shrub in The Salvation Army grounds by the corps’ oldest soldier, 94-year-old Harold Taylor. The weekend was recorded on video and copies are available to anyone interested by leaving a message with contact details on (02) 66247326.
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