A God-bathed moment

A God-bathed moment
22 May 2018
Former Territorial Commander of the Australia Eastern Territory, Commissioner James Condon, prays with General André Cox and Commissioner Sylvia Cox during the 2013 High Council.
It was a real honour and privilege for us to attend two High Councils during our tenure as territorial leaders for the Australia Eastern Territory. But it is also a huge responsibility to be involved in electing the General of the international Salvation Army.
What impacted us was the amount of prayer and worship that is involved in the process. A chaplain is elected for the duration of the High Council and James had that privilege in 2013. There is also a spiritual day and usually a guest comes in to lead this. We had the privilege of sitting under the ministry of Commissioner Keith Banks.
The High Council is a very formal process and there is no rush to conclude it. Everything is done in order and with dignity and bathed in prayer. Then the time comes to choose the individual whom you feel is the God-ordained person to be elected as the next General.
The voting takes time as well and when the final counting is complete the General’s name is announced and again, amidst the congratulatory greetings, there is a real sense that this is a God-bathed moment – a very sacred time as the mantle of leadership is conferred on the elected person.
We are grateful to have had the opportunity to be involved in this process and also to make new friends from around the Army world. The internationalism of the Army is very special and celebrated.
Read about the 2018 Welcome to the High Council HERE.
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