Peddles spend busy first weekend in Australia

Peddles spend busy first weekend in Australia
26 November 2018
General Brian Peddle called on Aussie Salvationists to rise up and be battle ready during his first public appearance in Australia at a Divisional Rally at Sydney Congress Hall. Photos from Sydney Cazeil Creative and from Brisbane, Kathy Hughes.
General Brian Peddle has used his first Australian engagement to send a strong message to Salvationists to rise up and be battle-ready for the fight that God is calling us to.
General Brian Peddle surprises retired Major Stella Green.
The General and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle, the world leaders of The Salvation Army, were special guests at a NSW/ACT Divisional Celebration Rally at Sydney Congress Hall on Saturday afternoon.
The multi-ethnic meeting paid homage to the various cultures represented among the division’s corps and faith expressions. After presenting the General’s Guard Award to Jemimah Perry, from Hurstville Corps, and surprising retired Major Stella Green with an Order of the Founder for her lifelong service in reaching Chinese people for Christ, the General delivered a powerful message based on Deuteronomy 10:12-13.
He said God is placing a call on The Salvation Army to be who he needs it to be at this time in history.
“It’s a call to action, it’s a call to do, it’s a call to be, it’s a call to share,” he said. And he emphasised the need to be relevant.
“I’ve never been one to spend a lot of time pondering the past,” the General added. “I respect and stand squarely upon the shoulders of those who have gone before me, I understand what that means. But I can’t reconstitute the past in the 21st century. I can’t take traditions that have run their course and rejuvenate them in the 21st century and I can’t accept that any status quo that seems to be held on to more tightly than the mission of God in the world is the proper thing to do.”
Liberty Hill from Menai Corps was part of the worship team.
He recited The Salvation Army’s National Vision Statement in Australia – “Wherever there is hardship or injustice, Salvos will live, love, fight alongside others to transform Australia one life at a time with the love of Jesus”, and said: “I’m up for that! If I was a Salvo in Australia, I’d put my hand up and say, ‘count me in!’”
The General then posed a question for those at Sydney Congress Hall and the many Salvationists who were watching the live-feed of the event.
“What does the Lord require of you?” he said. “I suspect you know, personally and as a corps, as a division, as a nation.
“So, my request of you today is very simply: Rise up Army! Be battle ready, now! Put your armour on and understand and respond to that which the Lord requires of you. Australia needs The Salvation Army … not a church, not a movement, but a people whose heart is filled with the love of God, releasing day by day to serve in his name.”
The meeting was filled with prayer, with Salvationists praying from the pulpit in both English and Korean.
Queensland welcome
On Sunday, the Peddles travelled to Brisbane for “Worship Together”, the Queensland Division’s welcome to the world leaders.
The Peddles spent time with those at the welcome.
The visit held particular significance for the Peddles, with their daughter and son-in-law, Captains Krista and Timothy Andrews, Corps Officers at Carindale in Brisbane. In a special moment, they were presented with flowers and special gifts from the division, by their grandchildren, Aleksandr, Kherington and Isabella.
Uncle Noel Blair and Lucy Davis gave the official Acknowledgement of Country, and also presented gifts to the Peddles – traditional wooden clapping sticks.
In her response, Commissioner Rosalie Peddle assured the congregation of the privilege they considered it to be in Brisbane. On a personal note, she shared that, as they travelled around the world, people came to see the General and she wondered, “What is wrong with me?”
“Behind every powerful man, though, is a powerful woman,” she said, to rousing applause. “I remind people that I am ordained as well, I am a preacher of the Gospel, I believe in Jesus, I believe in the gospel of transformation.
Commissioner Rosalie Peddle.
“God is continuing to do great things in our lives and he continues to speak and use me too.”
The General presented Matthew Wallace, from Pine Rivers Corps, with the General’s Award and congratulated him on his achievements. He then thanked everyone for their warmth, passion and spontaneity, before delivering the same message he had shared in Sydney, from Deuteronomy 10:12-13.
“God is willing to do new things in our midst and we have to respond, corporately and personally,” he said.
“God is serious about moving among his people and we cannot and should not detach ourselves from his mission in the world.
“We need to stand in the gap when people don’t know the way to God. Take the good news to a lonely, broken and bereft world, be engaged and take on the responsibility God has given you.
The Peddles' grandchildren joined the leaders on the platform.
“The world deserves a blood-washed Army and people who stand unafraid in his strength.”
Many people came forward for prayer and recommitment.
Still Others
The General and Commissioner Peddle said they were looking forward to attending Still Others, The Salvation Army’s week of celebration of the new Australia Territory that will take place in Melbourne from 27 November to 2 December.
Salvationists across Australia and around the world can expect to hear more inspiring and challenging teaching from the Peddles, and it seems we may have a new Salvos hashtag #riseuparmy to join #livelovefight on the socials.
The General is spot on. When are we going to stop trying to project an image of being a church and realise we are a mission. Not a church, not Salvos, The Salvation Army. Our roots are in the Christian Mission and mission must always be our focus and priority.