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Salvationists encouraged to climb their leadership summit

Salvationists encouraged to climb their leadership summit The Global Leadership Summit is held at Willow Creek church in Chicago every year.

Salvationists encouraged to climb their leadership summit

7 June 2019

By Lauren Martin 

Sydney Congress Hall will be one of 25 venues around Australia to stream this year’s Global Leadership Summit.

The Global Leadership Summit is held each August at Willow Creek church in the United States, featuring world-class speakers, along with live worship music and drama, created especially for leaders. The event is videoed and then streamed around the world over the next few months.

The Salvation Army Collaroy Centre hosted the event last year, but a bigger venue was needed this year to accommodate more people. Various denominations around Australia will host videocasts of the summit throughout September, October and November.

The Sydney Congress Hall event will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday 29-30 October.

Canadian Salvationist, author and justice advocate, Danielle Strickland will be one of the key speakers at this year’s event. Other speakers include adventurer, writer and television host Bear Grylls, Life.Church co-founder and Senior Pastor Craig Groeschel, and a host of other speakers who are leaders in their field.

Major Phil Inglis, Wollongong Corps Officer, who has attended a number of Global Leadership Summits around the world, encourages Salvationists to attend.

“I have always wanted to be the best father, husband, community member and corps officer that I can be,” he said. “I have found that every time I get really stuck into the Global Leadership Summit, God encourages, teaches, enlivens and strengthens me in ways that are hard to explain but make a big difference in my life and ministry.  

“I can genuinely say that every single relationship in my life has benefitted from the things I learn at GLS [Global Leadership Summit.]”  

“And, yes, it’s a pivotal time for The Salvation Army… we have come through a difficult time [the transition to one territory] and in many ways we are still working stuff out, but the big picture seems pretty set now. So the Global Leadership Summit will be an incredible time for Salvationists to enjoy world-class leadership teaching and to reflect together on the process we have just come through and to be inspired about how God is calling us to live out our calling in this new season.”   

To register for the Sydney Congress Hall event or to find a Global Leadership Summit event closest to you, head to:








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