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Salvo Story: Perth Doorways

Salvo Story: Perth Doorways

Salvo Story: Perth Doorways

4 August 2020

From sleeping in the public toilet block of a local park, Marika’s journey to housing and employment has taken some time, but she says the Salvos never gave up on her.




  1. As a 5yr old in 1946,my mother and grandmother lived in a flat in Bennett st East Perth.
    My father passed away one month before I was brother was 12 .Every Saturday mum and I would walk up hay street,because I would perform if I couldn't see the salvation army,and.put my sixpence into their collection
    Later when we moved back to our home in maylands,there was a salvation army church in 8th avenue.
    And the band was always performing up a around the streets of maylands.this was really wonderfully.
    Unfortunately this all changed years later, wasn't the same without
    Now many years.later
    After retiring and life becoming difficult to manage for a number of reasons.
    The salvation army has helped me in so many ways,I consider them as my family,as all of my family have passed.on.
    So as a 5 year old and now 79 year old,they have always been a part of
    Thank you god

  2. As a 5yr old in 1946,my mother and grandmother lived in a flat in Bennett st East Perth.
    My father passed away one month before I was brother was 12 .Every Saturday mum and I would walk up hay street,because I would perform if I couldn't see the salvation army,and.put my sixpence into their collection
    Later when we moved back to our home in maylands,there was a salvation army church in 8th avenue.
    And the band was always performing up a around the streets of maylands.this was really wonderfully.
    Unfortunately this all changed years later, wasn't the same without
    Now many years.later
    After retiring and life becoming difficult to manage for a number of reasons.
    The salvation army has helped me in so many ways,I consider them as my family,as all of my family have passed.on.
    So as a 5 year old and now 79 year old,they have always been a part of
    Thank you god

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