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Welcoming families of all abilities

Welcoming families of all abilities

Welcoming families of all abilities

18 November 2020

Liam Holland showcases the Project CSC coffee beans, a unique way of fundraising for The Salvation Army mission expression in north-west Sydney.

The Salvation Army Project CSC (Connect Support Community) is a unique expression of God’s love in north-west Sydney.

It’s all about the holistic support of families of children with additional needs or medical complex backgrounds. “Our heart is to make sure people know they don’t have to do their journey alone,” says Liam Holland, Project CSC Co-leader. “People will know who Jesus is by the way that we love people.”


  1. Fantastic work, Liam. I love the way you use what you have been given to connect with people. Sydney needs more places like this, that allows those with additional needs to play and the families to connect. Good work. Paul

  2. Well done Liam Go you good thing

  3. This is a very cool project. Great to see the heart of God put into action through such wonderful people. Looks like a truly warm, welcoming and safe place you've set up for the children to cut lose! I hope the enterprise side of things takes off, you guys deserve a rich blessing to assist with continuing to provide ongoing support.

  4. Liam and his team are doing an awesome job in the area. Both him and his wife work tirelessly in the community showing the love of God to all. It makes my heart jump with joy with what we do and seeing the best in everyone. God bless all the work being done.

  5. Beejai Abrahams
    Beejai Abrahams

    Greetings Liam,
    What a great program.
    Very encouraging to watch. Is there any programs like that in the Liverpool area south West currently?
    Beejai Abrahams
    Community Chaplain Sadleir

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