Mission house opens door of opportunity for young people

Mission house opens door of opportunity for young people
20 January 2021
Lieutenant Sarah Walker at the Merrylands Mission House, a new young adults pilot project of the NSW/ACT Division.
Passionate young Salvos are being encouraged to participate in a unique opportunity in western Sydney – being part of a young adults mission house.
The 12-month project will see four young people live together in a four-bedroom Salvation Army house in Merrylands, western Sydney. They will commit to serving at their local mission expression (or joining one if they move to Sydney from elsewhere) and undertaking mentoring and training. They will also pay rent and utilities.
Parramatta Corps Officer Lieutenant Sarah Walker, who is taking a lead role in the project, says it’s all about giving passionate young Salvationists the opportunity to grow deeper in their faith and engage in mission and leadership roles.
“It’s not like a gap-year where you are removed from real life; it’s like, ‘How am I going to transition into real life well and still serve in my church and be engaged in mission and be engaged in the community within the house?”
The young people would be part of a small group, have a mentor/coach and work towards goals in the areas of faith, connection and wellbeing. They will be encouraged to open up the house for ‘Community Tables’ [a NSW/ACT divisional evangelistic small-group initiative] and may be asked to assist as a team with nearby gathered worshipping community missional activities.
“These young people that come into the house will have opportunity to connect with each other, to learn about themselves, learn about God and hopefully be involved in mission together in the house but also in their local faith expressions,” said Sarah.
The mission house is a pilot project of the NSW/ACT Division, in conjunction with the Territorial Youth and Young Adults Team. There is a broader scope of work being undertaken around a framework for similar-style mission houses to be opened up around the country. Already, one is operating in Western Australia and one in Victoria.
Young people wishing to apply to be part of the Merrylands Mission House Project need to be aged between 18-25, committed, or willing to be committed, to a local mission expression and enrolled in tertiary studies or secular work.
The application form can be accessed here: https://salvationarmy.typeform.com/to/FDhvaPTX
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