Celebrating Mary's faithfulness and courage

Celebrating Mary's faithfulness and courage
22 December 2016
Mary's faithfulness and courage enabled her to play a significant part in God's plan of Salvation. Photo Sasha Freemind.
Dear friends,
Our international theme for Women’s Ministries in 2016 was “Joyfully His”. A great example of this theme is evident in the Christmas story as we reflect on Mary. The realisation that God bestowed the privilege of bearing his own son to an ordinary peasant girl continues to have a strong impact on my faith and my joy. While it is very moving and inspiring that God chose a young ordinary servant girl to become the mother of Jesus, we need to note that God’s request to Mary and her response is much more than ordinary. It was extraordinary! The reason – Mary was “Joyfully His”.
Mary’s reaction to Gabriel’s words was fear and confusion. Gabriel settled her spirit with the words, “Do not be afraid Mary; you have found favour with God” (Luke 1:30). We cannot deny the fact that Mary responded with extraordinary obedience when she answered, “I am the Lord's servant ... May your word to me be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38). Mary was willing to obey in spite of what others would say and think. Whatever God wanted of her, she acknowledged as being the best.
In spite of the unknown, Mary has an extraordinary trust in the God she loved and served even though she could not see the big picture of her life or the life of her son, Jesus, who was to be the Saviour of the world. She took great encouragement in the promise “For nothing is impossible with God”, (Luke 1:37 New Living Translation). Mary was willing to trust in spite of the challenges and circumstances of the journey ahead, because God would make the impossible, possible.
Mary praises God with her whole being and her joy was holy, deep and divine. This extraordinary joy filled her soul and made her spirit sing. “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour ... for the Mighty One has done great things for me – holy is his name”(Luke 1:46,47,49).
This Christmas I celebrate Mary’s faithfulness and courage, for she played such a significant part in God’s plan of salvation. Jesus came to be the saviour of the world. He came to be our personal saviour. May we each this Christmas give him the gifts of extraordinary obedience, extraordinary trust and extraordinary joy and may our lives become a symphony of praise to Jesus as we celebrate his birth. May Jesus always be your joy, hope and song!
Commissioner Silvia Cox, World President of Women's Ministries, joins me in wishing you a joy filled Christmas and God blessed New Year!
Joyfully His!
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What a wonderful example Mary provides in joyful obedience to the Lord. Thank you for this short but encouraging article.